Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease

Gastro esophageal Reflux Malady or Gastro esophageal reflux sickness - GERD, is a digestive turmoil that influences the lower esophageal sphincter, the ring of muscle between the esophagus and belly.Many individuals experience the sick effects of indigestion or corrosive heartburn introduced on by way of GERD Reflux intends to circulation returned or return.Along those lines, gastro esophageal reflux is the arrival of the belly's substance pass down into the throat.Gastro esophageal reflux takes place whilst the LES is feeble or unwinds improperly, allowing the belly's substance to movement up into the esophagus.

  • Esophageal Manometry
  • Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
  • Heart Palpitations 
  • Dumping Syndrome
  • Hiatal Hernia

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