Kidney and Pancreas Transplant

A kidney transplant is one of the most frequently performed organ transplantation, a surgical procedure that places a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor into a person who is suffering from end stage kidney failure. Kidney transplant can be deceased-donor or living-donor transplantation depending on the source of the donor organ. When kidney loses its filtering ability, harmful levels of fluid and waste retention occurs in the body, which eventually raises blood pressure and results in kidney failure (end-stage kidney disease). When kidney function declines to a certain level, patients needs either dialysis or transplantation to sustain their life. 
Similarly a pancreas transplant is an organ transplant that involves implanting a healthy pancreas into a person who loses pancreatic function mostly due to long term diabetes. The pancreas produces juices that helps to digest food and hormones such as insulin and glucagon and maintain optimal blood sugar levels that helps the body to use and store energy from food.
A pancreas transplant is suggested to those people whose pancreas no longer can supply sufficient insulin to the body. .A pancreas transplant can manage the damage to other organs including the kidneys that may result from type 1 diabetes. Pancreas transplants are mostly suggested to persons with type 1 diabetes along with severe kidney disease or other life-threatening consequences from uncontrolled glucose levels. 

  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplant
  • Living-Donor Kidney Transplant
  • Preemptive Kidney Transplant
  • Kidney Transplant Cost and Success Rate
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Types of Pancreas Transplant

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