Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that leads to liver inflammation which may cause severe liver damage. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) mostly spreads through contaminated blood. There is currently no effective vaccine against hepatitis C. With the development of medical science, chronic HCV is now curable with antiviral oral medications taken every day up to two to six months. Recently developed drugs have the potential to eradicate the virus. Mostly patients are asymptomatic but some people may experience fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and yellowing of the eyes and skin. The virus causes both acute and chronic hepatitis, ranging from a mild illness to a serious, lifelong illness including liver cirrhosis as well as liver cancer.

  • Hepatitis Vaccine
  • Hepatitis C Virus
  • Hepatitis and HIV
  • Hepatitis C Complications
  • Prevention and Cure
  • Alternative Medicine

Biliary Bowl Disease Conferences Liver Disease Conferences Pancreas Conferences 2023 USA Peptic ulcer Disease Conferences Gastroenterology Conferences Pancreas Conferences Gastroenterology Conferences 2023 Middle East Hepatology Conferences 2023 Europe Hepatitis Conferences Hepatology Conferences 2023 Middle East Hepatology Conferences 2023 USA Gastroenterology Conferences 2023 Asia Diagnostic Gastroenterology Conferences Biriatic Surgery Conferences Gastroenterologisit Conferences

+1 (506) 909-0537